Can you step back from your own mind and thus understand all things? Giving birth and nourishing, having without possessing, acting with no expectations, leading and not trying to control: this is the supreme virtue.”— Lao Tzu

Why Do We Have Class Etiquette Guidelines?

  • Class etiquette creates healthy boundaries for class - not just for students, but also for the instructor

  • When working with energy, as we do in qigong, it is important to be aware of our focus, our words and our motivations

  • Qigong is a practice that is meant to improve mindfulness and self focus and reduce outward focus

  • As most of society is outward focused, it is the role of the instructor to help students become aware of their focus and learn to focus more on themselves

Basic Class Etiquette

  • Class begins promptly at 9am with an inspirational card reading. This allows a slight buffer for students to join before the class begins, however, please do your best to arrive on time.

  • Zoom is opened 10 minutes prior to class. During this time students can share and talk together and with the instructor, but please be mindful that the time before class is important.  Don't say anything too sharp or disruptive, as this can distract you or others during the class time. Please see “sharing etiquette” below as this time is also a time to start focusing on yourself.

  • Class will be recorded and sent out within 24 hours

  • All students should mute their microphones during the class so as not to impact the recording (for monthly subscription members)

Sharing Etiquette

  • Right after the class we are still integrating and storing energy from class.  Our actions, words and behaviors at that moment are combined with a heightened group energy that can affect the whole. 

  • Sharing should be positive and sincere in nature and solely focused on yourself, including (for example) what you felt during the class, when you noticed a positive shift and/or what you learned about yourself through the practice.

  • Self focus during class time helps you stay within yourself and practice self focus.

  • Class etiquette is not about the instructor controlling commentary from students.  If you feel this way, this is a misunderstanding within you and please feel free to reach out to the instructor directly for more information.

  • Outward focus should be limited during sharing time. This includes pointing out mistakes by the instructor, talking about anyone other than yourself (even if it is positive), complaining, comparing (including complimenting others) or trying to show how much you know to other students.

  • If you feel sharing is difficult for you, please just express gratitude and say thank you for the class. No need to explain your choice.

How to Submit Feedback to the Instructor

  • Any complaints, comparisons or feedback can be sent directly to the instructor at

  • Try to apply the “1-hour rule” and if it is still something on your mind after an hour, please feel free to send me a note. This allows you to check yourself to see if it is something you can resolve inside yourself first.